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Site for Smiles and Smarts initially partnered with the Association of Pakistani Physicians of North America (APPNA) to fund cleft and lip palate surgeries for impoverished children in Pakistan.
A facial deformity that is often left untreated, palates have been the cause for bullying and discrimination against patients, resulting in higher levels of depression and low self-esteem among affected youth.
In a program called, "Providing Smiles Through Smiles and Smarts", Site for Smiles and Smarts raised funds in order to provide surgeries to correct facial deformities, restoring confidence within patients.
In 2017, Site for Smiles and Smarts shifted the focus of its partnership with APPNA by collaborating to now fund corneal transplant surgeries. In doing so, Site for Smiles and Smarts has replenished the gift of sight to dozens of blind patients of all ages across Pakistan. This initiative is ongoing.
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