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Film knows no borders. In a time of political strife, social change and unity appear to be an impossibility. However, stories of humanity are able to achieve both: by sharing the stories of the oppressed, film and the arts demonstrate an understanding and elicit emotions that cannot be found in any other form of communication.


In an initiative called, 'Films for Change', Site for Smiles and Smarts does just that, by telling meaningful stories to appeal to an audience through a humanistic lens.


From documentaries about Holocaust survivors to short narratives sending powerful messages about love and compassion, Site for Smiles and Smarts continues to highlight the voices of the silenced, uplift the oppressed, and bring unity on an international scale.


View Site for Smiles and Smarts' 'Films for Change' below. You can also watch these films on YouTube.


Go Home: the Tale of a Refugee

A Message for Humanity

Through a New Lens

America's Gathering

The Forgotten Part of America

Road to Unity

Flower in the Rain

© 2020 by Site for Smiles and Smarts.

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